Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today...Thursday May 4, 2009

Outside my is another beautiful Michigan day!

I am thinking... that it feels good to open the windows and let the breeze fill my home.

From the learning rooms... I am trying my hands at several different crafts and hoping they work out for the craft fair coming up.

I am thankful for... my children for helping me clean the house today so that we can enjoy the evening together!

From the kitchen... I am hoping to get in an make a lemon cake to use the rest of the cream cheese frosting Matthew made! Yummy!!

I am wearing... a black top with denim capris and my favorite black sandals.

I am reading... the complete works of Grimm. Very fun to know the original fairy tales.

I am hoping... that we will survive June with baseball 4 nights a week!

I am creating... pillows, signs and lots of food!

I am praying... that my oldest brother's wife continues with a safe pregnancy. My Mother is able to buy the house across the street and that my big brother will move in it. (my mom already lives next door) And that my little brother continues to enjoy his new baby and that she is healthy. I would love to see little Mollie!

Around the house... I would love to finish my laundry room. I have the flooring and paint now all I need is the drive!

One of my favorite things... curling up with my husband to watch So You Think You Can Dance

A few plans for the rest of the week... Baseball, baseball, baseball oh and did I say baseball.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you... I have been wanting to share this picture.It is of flowers that my husband picked off my own snowball bush. Isn't it beautiful? I love the spring in Michigan!!

I got this format from a Simple Woman's Daybook, I really enjoy this sight, check it out.

1 comment:

  1. Stu told me how good Cole did at baseball, thats awesome!
